



To be a great Catholic university dedicated to achieving excellence in learning, which is achieved through teaching, 研究, scholarly activities in the 弗朗西斯can and liberal arts tradition.

To reflect prayerfully on the Gospels to determine the ways we can advance 个人的尊严和平与正义和解负责管理.



十大电子游戏注册 任务 and Identity Statement


十大电子游戏注册的使命是大胆地为世界服务,提供一种通过知识和信仰的融合来改变学生心灵和思想的教育.  As a Catholic 弗朗西斯can university, we welcome all to join in this mission as 学生, staff, 教师, alumni and friends.  我们的女奠基者, the Sisters of Saint 弗朗西斯 (Oldenburg, IN), 是基督的使者,他们凭着信心行事,勇于冒险,使我们伟大的大学成为可能.  今天, 这福音的工作是由那些代表许多信仰系统和意识形态的人通过优秀的教学以新的方式进行的, 个性化的指导, academically rigorous 研究.  At 十大电子游戏注册 学生 receive an education 使他们成为领袖,以促进根植于祈祷的方济各会赞助价值观:个人的尊严, 和解, 和平与正义 and 负责管理.

Aspects of a Great Catholic University

十大电子游戏注册, the only Catholic university in central Indiana, 它的历史可以追溯到800年前的第一所天主教大学,并以其方济各会的传统为基础.  这 tradition enables 十大电子游戏注册 to provide the life-changing opportunity of education to 学生 of every race, 信仰, 意识形态, 性别 and economic status in order to promote human progress.  As Saint John Paul II stated when writing about higher education, “A Catholic University, 和其他大学一样, is immersed in human 社会; as an extension of its service to the Church and always 与in its proper competence, 它被要求成为促进个人和社会文化进步的更有效的工具 社会.“我们敢说,每个十大电子游戏注册的学生都将体验到一所伟大的天主教大学的以下方面:

  1. 改变教育

    十大电子游戏注册 educates the whole person, the curriculum prepares 学生 for the lifelong pursuit of wisdom. Faculty and staff provide a mentoring environment emphasizing individual attention, which promotes multi-faceted personal development. 在这种环境下, 十大电子游戏注册的学生将了解优秀教育家所教授的主题,同时发现他们作为当今世界领导者的召唤.

    所有课程的灵感都来自于天主教高等教育的核心——对真理的追求. 十大电子游戏注册 学生 will study serious contemporary problems, 研究 与 a concern for the ethical implications and promote cultural progress for individuals as well as 社会. 该大学独特的通识教育/核心以天主教和方济各会的知识传统为基础, 信仰之光, promotes a liberal arts and ethics-based foundation. 哲学和神学的必修课程提供了进一步接触天主教和方济会知识传统的丰富性,并为所有其他学科提供了寻找意义的服务. Graduate studies utilize the most advanced 适合每个学科的方法,使学生在他们的领域和专业中做出持久的贡献.  

  2. 多样性中的统一

    十大电子游戏注册 forms true community 与in a multi-cultural, multi-belief系统, 多民族和全球背景.  Responding to the great commandment, we celebrate the diversity present on our 校园 as an expression of God’s generous love and promote the love for one another in all our activities.  十大电子游戏注册 champions understanding, 遇到并分享我们社区成员声称属于他们自己的各种传统.  这 dialogue of life promotes civil discourse, 和解, 调解, enhances the intellectual growth of 学生.  

  3. 服务领导力

    十大电子游戏注册通过优秀的教学和学习,大胆地回应了社会的需求,培养了领导者.  十大电子游戏注册的学生探索当代社会问题,并制定和实施促进社会发展的对策 人类繁荣.  The university is an anchor 与in its neighborhood, a global partner to organizations focused on social development.  Students respond to the problems of our age through reflective service, informed by Catholic Social Teaching and oriented toward systematic change.  通过这些经历,十大电子游戏注册的学生培养了以谦逊为标志的领导者的性格和智慧, 对穷人和弱者的爱, 一个承诺 绳之以法, 和平与创造的管理,这反映了圣方济各和亚西西的克莱尔的灵性.

  4. 信仰与生活

    十大电子游戏注册使学生在信仰中成长,并根据方济各会的赞助价值观来辨别他们的召唤.  Students integrate 信仰 and life by examining their beliefs, engaging in inter-religious dialogue and experiencing the living Catholic 弗朗西斯can tradition of 十大电子游戏注册.  The educational experience enlivens each student’s exploration of calling as: the courses integrate 信仰 and reason; experiential learning utilizes talents and develops competencies; 研究 seeks to serve humanity prioritizing ethical implications and theological studies explore questions of ultimate meaning. 

    The exploration of calling is animated by a culture of prayer, 礼拜仪式, 崇拜和奉献使, as it says in the rule written by Saint 弗朗西斯, “到处都是,每个地方都有, 在每一个季节,每一天, 我们可以有一个真实的和吗 卑微的信仰.”  In prayer and the celebration of the sacraments, 学生, 教师, staff share their unique gifts, 与神相遇,并被圣灵加添力量,透过圣灵与他人分享耶稣基督的福音 他们的言行.  十大电子游戏注册以特殊的校园礼拜仪式庆祝学术和宗教日历中最重要的事件.  

  5. 机构见证

天主教方济会的传统使十大电子游戏注册充满活力,并为所有大学政策奠定了知识和道德基础, 包括:学生服务, 人力资源, 以及金融实践.  十大电子游戏注册招收 the world through dialogue and service in order to promote the common good.  建筑强调公共空间,以促进关系,并利用环境友好的做法,关心创造.  美丽的 艺术作品遍布校园,讲述我们丰富的遗产的故事,并提供专门的空间供反思和祈祷.  


十大电子游戏注册是一所天主教方济会高等教育机构,植根于耶稣基督的福音,致力于圣方济各和亚西西的克莱尔的灵性.  Guided by the example of Our Blessed Mother, we are called 成为智慧之座——一所教授基督智慧的大学. 作为一个天主教机构, we shape culture by searching for truth, working for 正义 and the common good for all, in communion 与 our local Bishop. 作为一个方济会的机构, 我们所有的活动都以圣方济各和亚西西的克莱尔以及他们的追随者为榜样. 作为一所天主教大学,我们追求信仰与理性之间的知识和关系. 作为一所方济各会大学, we strive to be a progressive force for 信仰, 正义, the flourishing of human life at all stages. 十大电子游戏注册的存在是为了通过天主教高等教育的使命和部为世界服务准备变革的领导者.


质量Mass is a vital part of 校园 life at 十大电子游戏注册. Mass is celebrated at least once daily except on Saturdays. 每日弥撒的时间表是...

  • Monday at noon in the Saint Joseph Chapel (attached to Caito-Wagner Hall)
  • 星期二下午4点.m. in the Saint Joseph Chapel (attached to Caito-Wagner Hall)
  • Wednesday at noon in the Saint Joseph Chapel (attached to Caito-Wagner Hall)
  • 星期四早上7点.m. in the Saint 弗朗西斯 Chapel (Oldenburg Hall) and 4 p.m. in the Saint Joseph Chapel (attached to Caito-Wagner Hall)
  • Friday at noon in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel (Evans Center)
  • 周日上午10:30.m. & 7:30 p.m. in the Bishop Chartrand Memorial Chapel (Marian Hall)

我们也庆祝所有校园弥撒全年在主教查特兰纪念教堂. These are opportunities for all 学生, 教职员工, anyone of the Marian community to join in celebration. 在这些时候, in order to allow all those wishing to participate, 课程和会议被取消.

The schedule for these Masses are as follows...

  • 2023年8月24日星期四下午2点.m.
  • Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 11 a.m. (圣节). 弗朗西斯)
  • Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 1 p.m. (All Saints Day - Holy Day of Obligation)
  • 2023年12月8日星期五上午10点.m. (Feast of the Immaculate Conception - Holy Day of Obligation)
  • 2024年1月11日星期四下午2点.m.
  • Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 11 a.m. (圣灰星期三)
  • 2024年4月4日星期四上午11点.m. (复活节八度音)



To schedule an appointment, please contact one of our chaplains directly. 

  • Fr. 巴里·菲舍尔, Lead Chaplain - ffischer@bube-berlin.com
  • Fr. Douglas Hunter, Chaplain - dhunter@bube-berlin.com

我们的首席校园牧师,Fr. 巴里·菲舍尔, offers Chaplain's Corner on Tuesdays (9:30am-noon) in 校友 Hall, where he will also hear confessions.

We welcome all 信仰 beliefs to celebrate 与 us! 

If you are wishing to participate, but need a resource to the 质量 here is 天主教弥撒指南. 







十大电子游戏注册 does not discriminate on the basis of race, 种族, color, 性, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 宗教, 信条, 国家的起源, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, 教师 and staff, 学生.

学生可以投诉 to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education.

十大电子游戏注册 is sponsored by the 圣修女会. 弗朗西斯奥登堡,印第安纳州.

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