Explore Your Calling in the 雷顿护理学院


In the Alan and Sue 雷顿护理学院, 你将学会直接提供, hands-on patient care and apply best practices to deliver quality outcomes in a range of clinical settings.

所以你觉得你可能想成为一名护士. Because you’re smart and know it would be a great career—good pay, 灵活的安排, 良好的就业前景. But that’s not why you want to be a nurse, is it?

你想做一些重要的事情. You want to make a difference in the lives of others. You want a career that taps into all that you are.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a nurse, but this is no longer a child’s dream. You’ve grown up enough to know it’s not just about bandages and comfort. 和 because you are smart, you know it’s not easy and, often, not pretty. 不过没关系, because you are also brave and strong and willing to get a little messy and to be challenged. You already know that it is all worth it when you can connect 与 another human being and have a positive impact. 每天.

既然你真的那么在乎, then you want a degree from an institution worthy of your passion. 你找对地方了. The Marian University 雷顿护理学院 is here for you, 以所有预期的方式, 然后是一些.

Marian University is a tight-knit community where students can thrive because of the personalized attention. Professors are supportive and vested in our success and willing to help in any way possible to help us achieve our goals.

A 弗朗西斯can institution already dedicated to the nurturing of mind, body, and spirit is the perfect place to pursue a career in healthcare

You will thrive in this faith-based, family-friendly environment. 和, 最重要的是, you can count on a faculty committed to your success as a student and as a future professional.

位置,位置,位置. Not only is campus minutes away from multiple nationally recognized hospitals, it is also the home of the new 骨科医学院. 还有你的家, 太, 因为在十大电子游戏注册, our nursing students actually share the state of the art Michael A. Evans Center for Health Sciences building 与 the medical students. Can you say technology, technology, technology?

So come here for the 弗朗西斯can traditions and values, 经验丰富、鼓舞人心的教师队伍, 令人惊叹的设施和技术, and incredible location and community partners. 因为如果你想成为一名优秀的护士, the Marian University 雷顿护理学院 wants to take you there.

Accredited by the 大学护理教育委员会

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and 护理实践博士 program of Marian University 雷顿护理学院 are accredited by the 大学护理教育委员会 (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org).


Marian University’s 雷顿护理学院 will host a reaccreditation site visit for the 护理实践博士(DNP) program by the 大学护理教育委员会 (CCNE) on September 25-27, 2023. 

按照CCNE程序, the Commission provides the opportunity for program constituents and other interested parties to submit, 以书面形式, third-party comments concerning our program’s qualifications for accreditation. 我们邀请您在以下地址向CCNE提交意见:  

电子邮件: thirdpartycomments@ccneaccreditation.org, or 

All third-party comments must be received by CCNE no later than September 4, 2023 and must be written in English, consistent 与 CCNE’s policy on Conduct of 业务 in English. CCNE只接受签名的评论. If you have any questions about this process, please contact CCNE staff at 202-877-6791, x268.  


按照美国的规定.S. 教育部法规34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v) LSON承认:

  1. The BSN pre-licensure curriculum meets state educational requirements for professional licensure in Indiana, 俄克拉荷马州和田纳西州.
  2. The DNP APRN program curriculum meets state educational requirements for professional licensure/认证 in Indiana.
  3. The institution has yet to determine whether the curriculum meets the pre-licensure or APRN licensure/认证 for any other state.

另外, all students are considered to be located in the state where the student’s educational program takes place (IN, OK, or TN) at the time of initial enrollment in clinical nursing education.  Students are considered to be located in that state throughout the duration of their clinical education due to required in-person clinical components of their education.

Any student planning to relocate to another state after completion of the program can seek guidance from Dr. Christina Pepin, director of accreditation, program assessment, and research (cpepin@bube-berlin.com) to determine whether the curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure/认证 in that state.

Successful completion of a program of study at LSON does not guarantee licensure, 认证, 或在相关职业就业.

The University will continue its work in verifying the suitability for licensure in all other states and will provide updates to this list accordingly.


(317) 955-6300
(800) 772-7264

(317) 955-6400 

Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, 种族, color, 性, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 宗教, 信条, 国家的起源, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, 教职员工, 和学生.
*Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates 与in six months of graduation.

学生可以投诉 to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education.

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